Thursday 5 January 2012

Tourists in Belfast

Any visitors to Belfast can't avoid Carroll's Irish Gift shop in the heart of the city centre. Arlene Foster is trying to get more tourists to come to Northern Ireland. I wonder has she any opinion on how Carroll's Irish Gifts presents itself as a Republic of Ireland shop in part of the UK. I'm sure the tourists get more than a little confused.


  1. I'm sure she probably does have a view, but also realises that she can't do anything about it and therefore expends her energy on other things.

    It's a private business renting its premises from a private landlord and therfore not a government issue. If someone wanted to open up an Australian giftshop beside it that would be exactly the same.

    If they're making money then more fool the people who are spending it there.

    With the level of laser like analysis in this blog though at least Ulster's safe *eye roll*.

  2. To Carson's Cat: Would the tourism minister in the Republic of Ireland remain silent if a shop opened in Dublin selling mainly items with Union flags etc. They would say it was provocative.

    Also, if you have laser like analysis then please feel free to start blogging.
