Tuesday 9 February 2010

"One of the most dangerous and destabilising documents ... "

Alex Kane writes in the News Letter that "The Hillsborough document – for it really isn’t grand enough to be described as a deal or agreement – is one of the most dangerous and destabilising documents to have been put in the public domain. No unionist worthy of the name could support it".

Those are strong words from a man who recently resigned as Director of Communications of the UUP. In Section 5 the agreement says "The First Minister and deputy First Minister will oversee an exercise of examining the St Andrews Agreement and identifying all matters contained within it which have not been faithfully implemented or actioned."

If we examine the St Andrew's Agreement it talks about a North-South Parliamentary Forum. "The Northern Ireland Executive would encourage the parties in the Assembly to establish a North-South parliamentary forum bringing together equal numbers from the Oireachtas and the Assembly, and operating on an inclusive basis."

The St Andrew's Agreement also has a clause about the Irish Language: "The Government will introduce an Irish Language Act reflecting on the experience of Wales and [the Republic of] Ireland and work with the incoming Executive to enhance and protect the development of the Irish language."

And if the beginning of an All-Ireland Parliament and an Irish Language act wasn't enough for Unionists, then St. Andrew's also outlines the possibility of more North-South Bodies. It says "under the auspices of the NSMC [the Governments] would appoint a Review Group to examine objectively ... the case for additional bodies and areas of co-operation within the NSMC".

It should be remembered that Hillsborough Castle was the location for the signing of the Anglo-Irish Agreement. Unionists protested as they believed the RoI were given a say in running Northern Ireland. But now 25 years later, Unionists welcome the head of a foreign state during discussions about internal UK issues. And not only that, the DUP have set in motion a number of reviews that could further threaten Northern Ireland's position in the UK. Hillsborough Castle will come back to haunt the DUP.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting piece. I suppose the hope for unionists is that the DUP will be able to stall all these bodies etc. Until the recent negotiations that looked a semi convincing argument. However, the DUP have now lost that and it looks very likely that SF can come back for more if they want.

    The tragedy is that fundamentally unionism is in a strong position and should demand a complete renegotiation. However, much as the DUP might well want that they are unwilling to do so as it affects their short term prospects.

    Unionism's biggest problem is its division. A united party is not the solution but rather a unity of purpose: to get a proper democratic deal.

    Maybe after the elections taht penny will drop: though I doubt it
