Monday, 11 June 2012

McGuinness and the Queen

Provo Sinn Fein/IRA leader Martin McGuinness says it would be a 'huge ask' for him to meet the Queen. It was a very big ask for the people of Northern Ireland to have him as Minister of Education and now Deputy First Minister despite his murderous past. Yet are we somehow supposed to thank him for his great 'courage' in meeting the Head of the country where he is a DFM in one of the devolved regions?

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Financial Support of Ulster-British Culture

For many years the GAA has received sponsorship from businesses across the country. This happened even when they had 'apartheid' style rules excluding those associated with the security forces of the United Kingdom. And yet the GAA themselves continue to associate with terrorists through the naming of tournaments and stadiums. They also act in a political way in Northern Ireland by refusing to respect the anthem and flag of the UK by flying a foreign flag and playing a foreign anthem in NI.

If businesses like BT and the Ulster Bank feel that the GAA is something they wish to financially support, isn't it time that Ulster-British culture also received support from these same companies?

Perhaps a re-constituted Ulster Society (for the Promotion of Ulster-British Culture and Heritage) could act as an umbrella group for the various Loyal Orders, bands and cultural groups to apply for such sponsorship and work alongside the Ulster-Scots Agency. Surely businesses could not act in such a biased way by supporting the GAA and refusing to sponsor the culture of the greater number of people in Northern Ireland?

Sunday, 5 February 2012

The Silence of the DUP Lambs ...

It has emerged that £18 million will come out of the EU PEACE III funding to be used for a so-called Conflict Resolution Centre at the Maze.

As Kenny Donaldson from SEFF has said: "I have not spoken to a single victim who has been in support of this conflict centre. There is also concern that this money could have been used to help the many victims groups around Northern Ireland, instead of going towards some kind of terrorist shrine.”

Of course the only people who want this shrine are the Provisional Sinn Fein-IRA terrorists now sitting in Government. The DUP rejected a sports stadium on the maze site because of the link to the proposed centre. However, I assume some sort of deal has been done between the Sinn Fein-IRA gang and the DUP as the DUP have gone quiet over the matter. So we don't even get a new stadium only the terrorist shrine.

Recently the DUP have been going GAA GAA over that political/cultural/sporting organisation. Now it seems the MLAs are going BAA BAA over the Maze terrorist shrine. Who would have thought it ... the silence of the DUP lambs.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Has the DUP gone GAA GAA?

Peter Robinson recently attended his first GAA match. Apparently he is trying to reach out and avoid the "them and us" mentality. All very laudable.

However, what is not laudable is his failure to ask the GAA to move forward away from its terrorist linked past and into a new future where Unionists could feel comfortable attending pure sporting events.

To do this, the GAA needs to stop flying the flag and playing the anthem of the Republic of Ireland. It needs to rename some of its stadiums which are linked with Provisional IRA and INLA murderers. It needs to transform into a welcoming place for Unionists instead of what some people called it in the past - the IRA at play.

Every other organisation in Northern Ireland must pass equality assessments and meet strict criteria before they receive Government money. Apparently not the GAA. And the DUP don't seem all that bothered about it.

Peter Robinson is right to reach out. But he's wrong to stay quiet about how the GAA is a blockage to a real shared future.

Friday, 6 January 2012

UUP Way Forward

Tom Elliott has rejected a deal with the Conservatives in NI. The deal would have meant a rebranding of the UUP and Conservatives in NI allowing them to become the official Conservative & Unionist Northern Ireland association. This would have given them many advantages including a seat at the top table of decision making in London along with the financial support of Conservative HQ at election time.

However, on this occasion Tom Elliott was unable to see the bigger picture i.e. bringing normal UK politics to Northern Ireland. Isn't that what every Unionist wants?

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Tourists in Belfast

Any visitors to Belfast can't avoid Carroll's Irish Gift shop in the heart of the city centre. Arlene Foster is trying to get more tourists to come to Northern Ireland. I wonder has she any opinion on how Carroll's Irish Gifts presents itself as a Republic of Ireland shop in part of the UK. I'm sure the tourists get more than a little confused.