Sunday, 5 September 2010

Tom Elliott is right about the GAA

Tom Elliott is right to say that he wouldn't attend GAA games. The GAA has various stadiums and cups named after Sinn Fein/Provisional IRA/INLA terrorists. It still allows its grounds to be used to glorify the murder of Protestants and others by those terrorist organisations. It continues to fly the flag of another country and play the anthem of the Republic of Ireland at games. And then it pretends to be open to all!

Despite all this it is rewarded large sums of money from the tax payer. It receives more coverage on the publicly owned BBC than Northern Ireland football including the NI internationals. We have had a series of DUP Ministers of Sport, yet so far they have done very little to stop the sectarian GAA receiving funds if it doesn't reform. Every other organisation in Northern Ireland has to show they are open to all to receive such large amounts of funding.

The GAA is allowed to get away with keeping its terrorist link. The BBC, UTV and the NI Government treat them as a normal 'sporting' organisation. The dogs in the street know that if this was a Loyalist organisation, funding would have been stopped long ago and there would be no coverage on TV. How long do we have to keep appeasing those with blood on their hands?

Thursday, 29 July 2010

DUP U-turn in Support of Terrorist Shrine

Gregory Campbell scrapped the Maze Stadium project because many people in the DUP said it would become a shrine to the Provisional IRA terrorists who committed suicide there. Now the DUP leader has indicated he is willing to go ahead with a terrorist shrine without the stadium! The Provos seem to be in control at Stormont. Due to the system of Government, they can threaten to collapse the Executive if they don't get their own way. Robinson is becoming more and more Trimblesque in his dealings with Sinn Fein-PIRA.

It's time the DUP pressed for a more normal system of Government at Stormont which doesn't involve every party having to be in the Executive.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

A Friendly Neighbour?

If the Republic of Ireland is now a friendly neighbour to Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK, why are they continuing to poach players from the Northern Ireland football team? Yes, some people in Northern Ireland decide to take up foreign passports from the RoI. But NI is part of the United Kingdom and has its own football team like England, Scotland and Wales. It's time the political leaders in the RoI started showing some respect to their neighbours in Northern Ireland UK.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Londonderry 1972

The events in Londonderry on 30 January 1972 should not be viewed in isolation. According to the Inquiry, Martin McGuinness (now Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland) had an illegal submachine gun on the day when soldiers opened fire on the rioters and protestors.

McGuinness has constantly lied about his past - as has Gerry Adams. McGuinness was one of the leaders of the Provisional IRA in Londonderry at the time. A few days before this particular bloody Sunday, two policemen were murdered by his organisation. Thousands of other people were also affected by his violence. If you listen to the Nationalist/Republican controlled BBC Northern Ireland, you would think that nothing else happened in 1972 in Northern Ireland. McGuinness is rarely questioned about his murderous past and he hasn't served a day in prison for any of the murders his terrorist gang carried out. Why is there no justice for all of his victims?

Some Republicans claim that the British Army should have a higher standard. Yet they go on to say that the Provisional IRA terrorist group was also in fact an 'army'. So which is it? If the Provos call themselves an 'army', does it mean they are an 'army' without any standards?

Of course the truth is that they were just a gang of murdering terrorist thugs who have been indulged by successive Governments. If there was any real justice for victims in Northern Ireland, McGuinness would be in prison instead of being the Deputy First Minister of the Government.

Monday, 24 May 2010

The SDLP Mask Slips ...

The mask that tries to hide sectarianism within the SDLP has slipped ... Declan O'Loan has called for a single party that would combine the SDLP with a gang that is unrepentant of its murderous past. The SDLP under Hume did form a Pan-Nationalist Front while the Provisional IRA were murdering and torturing people. So perhaps Mr O'Loan feels he is carrying on that tradition?

Mr O'Loan is of course married to Nuala O'Loan the former police ombudsman. She also struggled to hide her sectarianism when she was in that office as she tried to blacken the good name of the RUC over the actions of a small minority.

While Mr O'Loan has now withdrawn his suggestion, the original statement shows his line of thinking: he doesn't have a problem being in a joint party with Provisional IRA gang members who were guilty of the most heinous crimes. Perhaps the SDLP stands for the Sectarian Double-standards Liberation Party?

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Jim Shannon at Westminster ... or not?

The media are reporting that the new MPs arrived at Westminister today to take up their places and have the customary photo shoot. However, the new MP for Strangford was missing and will turn up later in the week. I assume that Mr Shannon has a good reason for not turning up on his first day of work in the House of Commons?

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Ulster Conservatives and Unionists

As the UCUs didn't win any seats in Northern Ireland, some are suggesting that the link between the UUP and the Conservatives be abandoned.

This seems very short sighted. If the Union between Great Britain and Northern Ireland is to survive in the long term, we need to move away from the constitutional question and onto everyday bread and butter issues. The economy is in a mess. Many people are without jobs. We need a voice in our national parliament to secure the best interests for all the people of Northern Ireland.

Bringing national politics into Northern Ireland was never going to be easy due to the history of the local parties. However long term it's a goal worth pursuing and I look forward to the UK Labour Party putting up candidates at the next election. Perhaps they won't leave the selection of candidates to the last minute!

All this of course doesn't stop Unionists working together to maximise their strength. There is nothing sectarian about Roman Catholic Unionists, Protestant Unionists and others trying to ensure that Irish or Ulster Nationalists don't succeed in their aims.

Unionism needs to be flexible. Given the journey that both the UUP and DUP have travelled, they should set up a Unionist task force to examine how to maximise the Unionist vote. This task force should also include members of the Conservatives, Labour, LibDems etc - any party interested in promoting the Union.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Fermanagh Fraud?

The Provisional Sinn Fein/IRA organisation have held onto the seat in Fermanagh & South Tyrone. That constituency suffered a lot at the hands of the Provos, so it's disappointing that once again the vast majority of Roman Catholics there voted for a blood stained party.

There is also a very serious issue regarding voter fraud. Apparently more ballot papers were counted than were issued. Sinn Fein/IRA have a history of "voting early and often". The Unionist parties should start a legal action to remove Gildernew.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Rap your way to No.10 ...

Some well needed humour regarding the leaders' debate.

Alliance and the Lib Dems

What relationship do the Lib Dems have with the Alliance Party in Northern Ireland?

Nick Clegg has urged voters in NI to vote for Alliance candidates. And the Belfast Telegraph article says that they have "fraternal links" with the Alliance Party.

Besides members of the Alliance Party attending Lib Dem conferences, there doesn't appear to be much substance between the links. Why don't the Alliance Party become part of the Lib Dems and offer people in Northern Ireland a real choice to take part in non-sectarian UK wide politics?

Monday, 15 March 2010

American Support for Terrorist Leader

As usual, the Sinn Fein/PIRA self-styled 'President' is in the USA for the St Patrick's celebrations. It's no surprise to listen to his usual propaganda.

What should be a surprise is the appearance of senior American politicians alongside Adams saying things like: "He has literally dedicated his life to the struggle for Irish freedom at great cost to himself and his family. It's an extraordinary story." [Democratic State Senator Jack Hart]

Unfortunately it's not a surprise as we've had some mis-guided American politicians supporting Sinn Fein/PIRA terrorists for quite a long time while the Provisional IRA were murdering people across the British Isles. Indeed we have the almost 'laughable' situation where Peter King has accused Obama of being soft on terror while King has been one of the biggest cheerleaders for IRA terrorist death squads over the years.

As the News Letter reports, "Mr Adams received two standing ovations from the sympathetic audience. There was no mention of his terrorist past."

Adams was sitting beside Scott Brown the Republican Senator for Massachusetts who recently took Ted Kennedy's old seat.

It's time for the British public to inform our American friends about the real background of the IRA murderers whose past they like to champion. I'm sure they wouldn't be pleased if people in the UK gave support to the people who caused so much murder and destruction on 9/11.

A New Anthem for NI?

Phil Coulter has said that he would be willing to write a new anthem for the Northern Ireland football team if he is asked to do so by the IFA.

If there is going to be any change to the anthem played by the NI football team, it should be done as part of a wider project covering all sports including GAA and rugby.

This would involve all sporting organisations signing up to a pledge that the only anthem they will use for NI or county teams is the new agreed one. The issue of rugby anthems in Dublin also needs to be resolved.

We cannot have the IFA making a change to the legitimate (sporting) anthem of the country without others also signing up to a process of reform.

A similar argument can be made regarding flags. The NI Red Hand of Ulster flag is the official flag of the NI football team and for example the NI Commonwealth team. If any flag change is proposed, it would need to be embraced by all NI sports. I would suggest that this would be more of a challenge for the politically minded GAA than the IFA.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Fans Claim RoI Police Caused Disturbance over NI Flag

Glentoran fans claim police in the Irish Republic stopped a fan putting up a Northern Ireland flag and that this provoked disturances at a match in Dublin. Five fans were arrested.

As it's common for away fans to put up such flags, this incident needs to be investigated and a report published. People in Northern Ireland already have to put up with GAA clubs making political statements by flying the flag of the RoI and playing the RoI anthem before games. And if it's not the GAA, the rugby authorities do their best to ignore that there are two countries that make up the Ireland rugby team.

Despite the disgraceful political behaviour of some Nationalists when it comes to sport, the only positive from a Unionist perspective is that it shows people what Nationalists mean when they say they want to accommodate Unionists in a 32 county structure i.e. they'll be really nice to Unionists provided they stop being Unionists!

Monday, 8 March 2010

Why is McGuinness not on trial?

Gerry Mc­Geough's trial has started. He is accused of attempted murder, possession of two revolvers and being in the IRA between 1975 and 1981.

It is right that the law takes its course. But McGeough does have a point regarding McGuinness and other Provisional leaders: "Martin McGuinness has admitted IRA membership. Why am I being put on trial and he is not? The state has ample evidence of Sinn Fein leaders' involvement in killings – not attempted killings – and bombings."

Ian Paisley

In his article in the Sunday Times, Liam Clark says of Ian Paisley: "At a lunch many years ago a close associate of the DUP leader gave me his secret: 'Ian will never be a member of anything that he doesn’t lead. He has to be in charge.'"

I've heard this many times about Paisley as he was always setting up new organisations: The Ulster Free Presbyterian Church, the DUP, Ulster Resistance etc. On the issue of Ulster Resistance, he set up an army style organisation and then broke off links with it when they were alleged to have obtained weapons. Funny that, a defensive 'army' style organisation wanting to have weapons!

In the rest of the UK and further afield, many people believed (and still believe) that Paisley was one of the main troublemakers. It's quite an 'achievement' to be more hated than the Provisional IRA - an organisation that has murdered and maimed so many people.

Different people have different ways to get to the top. Many would say that Paisley's path was dividing Unionism, shouting the loudest, stirring up division and then when offered the top job, developing a 'Chuckle Brothers' act with Provisional Sinn Fein/IRA leader McGuinness. Others have supported Paisley the last 40+ years as they say the Ulster Unionists and the Government were often weak and willing to give concessions to murdering terrorists before they handed in their weapons and supported the police.

Whatever your opinion, the fact remains that from a career point of view, Paisley reached the top and earned lots of money during his long time as a politician. However, as the Reverend himself might say, has he built his house on sand or on rock?

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

"One of the most dangerous and destabilising documents ... "

Alex Kane writes in the News Letter that "The Hillsborough document – for it really isn’t grand enough to be described as a deal or agreement – is one of the most dangerous and destabilising documents to have been put in the public domain. No unionist worthy of the name could support it".

Those are strong words from a man who recently resigned as Director of Communications of the UUP. In Section 5 the agreement says "The First Minister and deputy First Minister will oversee an exercise of examining the St Andrews Agreement and identifying all matters contained within it which have not been faithfully implemented or actioned."

If we examine the St Andrew's Agreement it talks about a North-South Parliamentary Forum. "The Northern Ireland Executive would encourage the parties in the Assembly to establish a North-South parliamentary forum bringing together equal numbers from the Oireachtas and the Assembly, and operating on an inclusive basis."

The St Andrew's Agreement also has a clause about the Irish Language: "The Government will introduce an Irish Language Act reflecting on the experience of Wales and [the Republic of] Ireland and work with the incoming Executive to enhance and protect the development of the Irish language."

And if the beginning of an All-Ireland Parliament and an Irish Language act wasn't enough for Unionists, then St. Andrew's also outlines the possibility of more North-South Bodies. It says "under the auspices of the NSMC [the Governments] would appoint a Review Group to examine objectively ... the case for additional bodies and areas of co-operation within the NSMC".

It should be remembered that Hillsborough Castle was the location for the signing of the Anglo-Irish Agreement. Unionists protested as they believed the RoI were given a say in running Northern Ireland. But now 25 years later, Unionists welcome the head of a foreign state during discussions about internal UK issues. And not only that, the DUP have set in motion a number of reviews that could further threaten Northern Ireland's position in the UK. Hillsborough Castle will come back to haunt the DUP.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Ireland's Call

The rugby internationals are almost upon us again, yet the same old problems remain. Ireland is supposed to represent two countries: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. When there is a game in Dublin, they play the Soldier's Song - apparently to show respect to the President of the RoI and the country it is being played in. Yet when the Ireland team has played in Belfast, the IRFU refuse to show respect to Northern Ireland being part of the UK and therefore God Save the Queen is not played. The flag of the RoI is also flown in Dublin but again only rugby flags are allowed for Belfast games. The Northern Ireland minister for sport should make strong representations to the IRFU asking them to end their political agenda. If the IRFU can't accommodate Northern Ireland, then it's time for Northern Ireland to have its own separate rugby team, as happens with football. It's better to be a small country with limited resources than to be treated with disrespect by the Irish Nationalists in the IRFU.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Policing and Justice in NI - Internal UK Matter

The TUV have asked an interesting question. Policing and Justice is an internal UK matter. Therefore, why are negotiations being lead by the two Governments? And what has happened to DUP policy that said that the Dublin government could not be given any role in any negotiations about the internal administration of part of the United Kingdom?

It will be interesting to hear the DUP response.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Provisional IRA almost blew up John F. Kennedy's daughter

Lady Antonia Fraser has brought out a book called "Must You Go". In it she talks about how John F. Kennedy's daughter, Caroline, was nearly killed by terrorists in 1975.

Sinn Fein/PIRA put a bomb under Sir Hugh Fraser's car in London as they didn't like his views on Northern Ireland.

Fraser and Kennedy had intended to use the car but the bomb was accidentally detonated causing the death of Gordon Hamilton Fairley, a cancer specialist.

Sinn Fein/PIRA also murdered other people whose views they didn't agree with e.g. Conservative MP Ian Gow, Rev Robert Bradford MP and Assembly member Edgar Graham. Sinn Fein/PIRA are now part of the Government in Northern Ireland but they still maintain that they were fighting a legitimate 'war'. Of course it was nothing short of terrorism and we await the day when they are ready to apologise for their terrorist crimes to ALL their victims.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Co Wexford Memorial to IRA Terrorists

Enniscorthy Town Council in Co Wexford, Republic of Ireland has decided to approve a memorial on a public site in the town to honour IRA terrorists who died on their way to plant a bomb in Northern Ireland.

The memorial was unanimously agreed by the councillors following a request from an organisation called Coiste Cáirde na Laochra. The memorial will be erected “in remembrance of those who played their part in the struggle for Irish freedom”. The reality is that they were on their way to cause murder and mayhem in part of the UK.

If any council in the UK approved a memorial for a Loyalist group who had tried to bomb somewhere in the Republic of Ireland, it would be major news. The UK Government should make a formal complaint to the Government of the RoI and ask that Enniscorthy Town Council reverse this disgraceful decision to support terrorist murderers.

Make your views known to the councillors involved. The views of some of them is given in this report in the Enniscorthy Echo.

Saturday, 23 January 2010


Hello and Welcome to my Ulster Times Blog. This blog aims to give a wider view of the issues in Northern Ireland. It will also discuss events from around the British Isles i.e. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.